Software Engineer

(The application form is at the bottom of this page.)

Remote job, EU residence required

Company and team

Uprent is a Dutch startup. We create a product that automates rental search in the Netherlands. Our ambition is to develop a solution that’ll eliminate the need for real estate agents in rental transactions, reduce housing prices, distribute the flow of renters across the country, and save millions of people a lot of time on rental search.

Currently, the team consists of Alex and Yury. We are best friends and have worked together for the past 7 years. We have created several companies before, one of which had over 30 employees and served thousands of customers. When we build a team, we always create a unique atmosphere that people find irreplaceable compared to other companies. You can compare it to a sports team. We are super passionate, dedicated, we love to win, and expect the same from you. We like small teams of high performers that can iterate and deliver quickly.

Check our mission & values.

We’re looking for

  • Full-stack generalist with a passion for ML; capable of handling multiple roles. Not having ML experience is fine, but we expect you to catch up quickly.

  • Fast, iterative engineering approach.

  • Motivated by building and improving products.

  • Ability to learn and implement new technologies quickly.

  • Time zone alignment (maximum 3-hour difference with Amsterdam).

  • EU residence.

  • Proficient in English (minimum B2 level).

  • Strong cultural fit.


You will be our first hire, so we’ll be generous with equity and stock options. You will receive anywhere from 0.1% to 5% of the company.

If you can handle front- & back-end tasks and have expertise in ML, your compensation will be up to 4,000 EUR gross, depending on your experience and skills. The compensation will increase significantly when we raise next rounds of financing.

Tech stack

SvelteKit, ElysiaJS, SurrealDB, Manifest v3 bla bla bla…

You probably don’t have experience with our stack — that’s OK. We focus heavily on DX, so you’ll get up to speed quickly. You’ll love it!

Selection process

  1. Candidate registration form (find below)

  2. Interview with Yury and Alex

  3. Test task

  4. Final, technical interview

  5. Job offer & formalities

We are FAST

All the steps above combined generally take less than 10 business calendar days. If you’re equally quick, of course.